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IGNOU Solved Assignments for January and July Session

    Here is all IGNOU solved assignments for January and July session.
    Hi there ! Warm welcome to “” the leading IGNOU “Solved Assignments” provider in India and World.

    Fresh IGNOU Solved Assignments

    Are you looking for Fresh IGNOU solved assignments ?

    A team of expert at is here to help you in solving and preparing the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) assignments for securing good marks. We recommend you to browse our tips on preparing IGNOU assignments for better marks (80-95 out of 100).

    Our team consists of former IGNOU students who have attained their degrees in various subjects and willingly to help other students for a successful career.

    In this post we shall share with you the latest ignou solved assignments for current session.

    IGNOU Assignments Overview

    The ignou assignments for each course carries a 100 marks question paper which is to be solved, written and prepared by the IGNOU students in their own handwriting. The weightage for each assignment is 30% only.

    Learn: How to calculate ignou assignment marks?

    IGNOU Assignments

    Marks: 100

    Weightage: 30%

    IGNOU Assignment Help & Guide

    The students of Indira Gandhi National Open University can seek the help of expert for writing better assignments to secure good marks. They can also consult help books, guides and other relevant material for solving their assignments.

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